I’m Jonny Mowat & this is my stuff.
Filmmaking & Animation
- The Organist
- No A Basher
- Two Robbers Spirits Co.
- Two Robbers Fishtown
- Jordan Phillips
- Cake Stuff
- Onion Bags
- The Sweetheart Revue
- Haps
- Replicants
Illustration & Design
Get in touch.
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Scotland’s biggest film festival just had a makeover, so I animated a brand launch video for them to show it off.
Whilst working at O Street, we created a brand launch video as part of their excellent 2021 rebrand of the Glasgow Film Festival. This was a dream project, and I am honoured to have played a small part in the Glasgow Film Theatre’s legendary presence in the city.
We worked with Finlay Mowat, the sound designer and music producer who constructed the backing track with sounds from the cinema.